Thursday, July 19, 2012

More Surgery

I know it has been awhile since an update. It has been a long journey since the accident. Tim has had a lot of pain. In the last weeks the pain in his right arm/shoulder has been intense. "I can not live like this Mom. Something has to be wrong!" We finally got our answer this week after visits to the ER's and doctors. The wire in Tim's arm has shifted up and is over an inch out of the bone stabbing into Tim's shoulder. Tim is scheduled for surgery at DeVos Children's on Monday, July 23. They hope to reset Tim's arm and push the wire back into place. We have also sent the films up to Montreal. The surgery at DeVos would help with the pain but there is nothing preventing the wire from slipping back up into the shoulder. If there is enough bone in the arm maybe Dr. Fassier would try to attempt putting a rod back in. That would be a much more permanent fix but a surgery with a lot more risk. Please pray! God has this all under control.


  1. Praying for Tim and for your family as you support him!

  2. Oh my word! I am SO sorry that you have to go through all of this Tim my friend! I will be praying for you!! And, I guess, since you are in so much pain I won't threaten to paint your toenails pink this time! Love ya buddy!!
    Mrs. Breuker

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just seeking God for Tim and all of the family...what an ordeal you have had to go through...praying for much stamina as you endure this tough part of the journey...your testimony is very humbling...NO PAIN, NO PAIN, NO PAIN!! Please God...
    Frank Guter
