Wednesday, August 8, 2012

4th surgery in 5 months :S

Just got back from the doctor and the wire in Tim's arm it right back out again! That is the not so good news. The good news is that the fracture has healed a lot in the last 2 weeks. The plan is to remove the wire from the upper part of arm. It will be outpatient at DeVos Children Lord willing. Pray for a successful surgery with minimal pain. Pray for patience. The doctor said no using that right arm for a least 3 months! Tim's words on the way home for the doctor, "Satan is going to be blowing bubbles by the time I am done with him!"


  1. Praying for you Tim. I'm reading "The Screwtape Letters" and one of the first pages ( I love reading the "before" pages) is a quote from Luther that reminds me of your comment.
    Quote from Luther "The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn."

    love you tons! In His Grip, barb

  2. Praying for you, bud! You are an amazing young man and Satan just doesn't know who he is messing with! Love ya!! Mrs. Breuker (aka Mrs. Booger) : )
