Monday, February 21, 2011

Our Journey Begings

I never thought I would be hosting a blog site but this seems to be the easiest way to keep everyone posted. Please know that there are no words to express the joy and grace and peace that God is granting us because of all the sweet friends and family that God has surrounded us with. The concert!!! Please invite friends to come. We are excited to see how God is going to use this night for His honor and glory. Please be in prayer as our family will be leading chapel at Holland Christian on March 4. Tim's last day of school before we leave for Montreal. Pray that God will move in the hearts and lives of the high schoolers at Holland Christian. Our schedule: March 6 Leave for Montreal. March 7 Lots and Lots of appointments and tests at the hospital. March 9 Tim will be going into surgery and having the Halo and the traction started. The Halo/ traction will be in place until March 21. On March 21 Tim will have his spinal fusion/rodding. At this time we do not know when we will be able to come home. Tim will have to be able to tolerate a 12 hour ride home. Again, thank you so much for all your prayers!!!! We are so blessed.


  1. What a journey you have been on and what a journey you are approaching! God has blessed in so many ways. We are praying for you to be showered in blessings in the weeks ahead!

  2. I don't really know Tim, but I hope and pray that the surgery will go well for you and for Tim

    God bless your family!!!
