Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tim is making slow but steady progress. The pain in his back is getting less. We had an interesting Easter. It was such a blessing to have all 6 of us together again! The men in the family all decided to get the stomach flu :) Not fun. Tim's stomach was not 100% anyway! He had a hard time with it all not being able to move real fast and not being able to bend. He was able to get in 3 half days of school this week. We had a lot of fun doing the normal stuff with Allison. We had to do the Holland Christian Prom. So much fun helping her get ready for that. Thank you for your continued prayers! We go in Friday for back x-rays here in Grand Rapids. We are praying for healing and that all the hardware is still holding tight.

1 comment:

  1. We continue to pray for all of you in the slow, but steady healing process. Hope you get good news at the docs!
