Thursday, April 14, 2011

We are getting there :) Tim is getting more used to being up in a chair. We were actually able to have him get into his regular wheelchair! We have a rented wheelchair that reclines and supports Tim's entire back but it is very heavy and hard for him to wheel. With Tim regaining a little more strength in his back we tried his regular wheelchair. He did pretty good. Yeah God! We are hoping to try some days back at the high school next week. Probably just a couple of hours a day. Prayer concerns. That going back to school will not be too overwhelming. It is great to see everyone again but.... it is seeing everyone again!!! Does that make sense?? In our weird Bosch minds it does :) It will also be overwhelming to be in class again and realize how far behind he is. Finally, it will be tiring and painful to sit for so long. Patience. Boy, just when I think that I have learned patience....God has to try me out again and of course I fail miserably!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that Tim is doing better in his chair, I hope things will go well for him at school. Tim you are in my prayers along with your family. Keep smiling that Great smile of yours!!! your getting there one day at a time. =)
