Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good Sunday morning! Our nights are slowly getting better. Tim can roll side to side at will now. He doesn't need my help to do that anymore. He is on oral pain medication. We are still working on the bowels. I think being a follower of Christ is like constantly swimming upstream. One of Satan's strongest weapons is when we get comfortable and take our paddle out of the water. When we do that we do not just stand still but we actually get caught in the flow of sin and the world and loose ground. I feel very blessed that Jesus has quietly taken the paddle out of our hands and said to just give it to Him for awhile and let Him paddle. We have been so cared for! We have been so loved on and surrounded by the family of Christ. Now, as Tim feels better the paddle is slowly coming back into our hands. John 1:16 "From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." Prayer requests: Bowels to start working again. The pain and nausea to continue to get less. Tim's strength to come back. Patience for the journey :)


  1. God is good!
    Keep on rolling Tim and we will keep on praying.
    Praying for you Deb as you continue to be the awesome Mom!
    Jim and Kath

  2. We're so thankful to hear that you are this far. We'll keep praying!
