Friday, April 13, 2012

HOME!!! We got Tim camping out in a hospital bed in the middle of our living room :) He is doing well. We need to get into somewhat of a routine. Lots of medications. Lots of equipment. It is nice to have Tim home.
Got a call from Montreal today. The back surgeon, Dr. Oulette got the CT scan of Tim's lower back. Several of the lower vertebrae are broke and unstable. More back surgery. The sooner the better. They hope to fuse the last 4 vertebrae. We will know the date for sure on Monday. The date they are looking at having us flown to Montreal is April 26. We might have more surgery up in Montreal on his arm or leg if they feel Tim's body can heal all of this surgery and trauma at the same time. We, as a family, are a bit numb to be honest. To be split apart again for surgery is not something we are looking forward to. Leaning on our everlasting God!! In Christ, Deb


  1. There are so many of us that wish we could make this deep pain go away...but,since we can't I hope it helps you to know that we are with you in the pain...holding you up when you have no strength left of your own....sending some love and energy your way. May God continue to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. The Doornbos Family

  2. Been thinking of Tim and family since I got the call of the accident. May the lord continue to look over your family.
    As only he know what the future holds. Paul Meeuwsen

  3. Thankful he is home! Offers of help are still good,just let me know :) Sue A
