Friday, April 27, 2012

YEAH GOD!!!!! They fixed the wireless Internet! These people up here love Tim!! He is pretty much stuck in the room with a lot of pain and the Internet is his only escape. They worked on it this morning :) We are up!
To bring you up to date. We got cleared for an air ambulance from the auto insurance Wed. afternoon. They called about 3:00 and said we were leaving in a couple of hours!!! I quickly packed (we were only allowed on small suitcase), tried to tie up some loose ends, and off we went. We had an ambulance ride to Ford International Airport and then boarded a small Lear jet. Tim stayed on a stretcher the whole time. The flight was fast! We were in the air about 90 minutes! We got transferred to another ambulance at the airport in Montreal for a 30 minutes ride to the hospital. The staff here greeted us with smiles and tears. They all feel terrible that Tim had this accident.
It has been a very busy couple of days at the hospital. We saw Dr. Ouelett, the back surgeon, yesterday. We had to have some more xrays (I swear Tim should be glowing by now!). The plan is surgery first thing Monday morning. They are going to try and maybe do some hardware to stabilize the lower back. Something that can be removed in a year and save some of Tim's mobility. If when they get in there and there is too much damage they might have to fuse the lower vertebrae to the pelvis. We asked how long the surgery would take and Dr. Ouelett said, "It will be done when I am finished." He is an awesome guy that had tears in his eyes when he talked to Tim.
Prayer requests: Dr. Ouelett warned that Tim would be very sore after the surgery. Please pray that the pain would be minimal and easy to control.
Please pray that the surgery to save some of Tim's mobility will be possible.
Dr. Fassier ,the doctor that does Tim's limbs, got called to Europe on a family emergency the day we arrived. Please pray for his family. Please pray that he could be able to come home soon and assess Tim and Tim's legs and arm.
God is taking care of us :) One of the nurses we have know for years was here to admit us Wed. night. Her comment was priceless, "If the accident was March 29, what took you so long to get up to us so we could help!!!" We have had everyone from nurses, to chefs, to cleaning staff, to pt, ot, secretaries all come by and say a tearful "hi." They all feel terrible about the accident. They are all bending over backwards to make Tim comfortable as possible. Thank you for the prayers!


  1. Deb, sorry haven't left any notes. I just figured out it is scrolling backwards!! Have been thinking and praying for u both. Can't Tim have an epidural for pain while in hospital?? Every thing I have read and listened to today has been about Gods love for us everlasting to everlasting. Ps 103. Jeremiah 31.

  2. Appreciate the update, thankful to God with you and continuing to pray.
    The Boersema's
